Surviving Middle School
A blog for middle school students, parents, teachers,
counselors, staff, administrators, and anyone else interested
in coping with life’s challenges
Middle School is Tough
I struggled as a middle school student in the 80s, and I continue to struggle as a middle school teacher in the 2000s. If you are a student, parent, teacher, counselor, staff, administrator, coach, librarian, or pediatrician, then this blog is for you! I was trained as a molecular biologist but found my heart wasn't into science research. In 2004, I became a naive middle school teacher. I quickly found that middle school is about a whole lot more than just teaching. It's a tough experience not only for students, but all of the adults that are involved in helping them survive the middle school years. My goal with this blog is to try to address some of the issues, offer some advice and resources, and start a dialogue to try to tackle some of the many middle school challenges.
Upcoming Summer Topics
- Summer bucket list
- Road trip... explore your town and state
- Taste your way around the world
- Backyard classroom
- Geocaching
- Reading isn't all that bad
- MacGyver your home
- Make It, break it, repair it
- Get your blood pumping
- Kitchen chemistry
- Back to school
School Year Topics
- Back to school
- Goals and organization
- Learning styles
- Surviving sports
- Patience
- Stress
- Coping strategies
- Discipline (respect & responsibility)
- "Put yourself in their shoes" (altruism and empathy)
- Careers & volunteering
- Autism
- Test taking tips
- Nutrition & Health
So check back soon for your next topic in Surviving Middle School!
Looking forward to enjoying the wisdom from this man. Having talked with him on several occasions, he definitely has the heart of a teacher!