Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Bucket List

Surviving Middle School

A weekly blog for middle school students, parents, teachers, coaches,
counselors, staff, administrators, and anyone else interested in coping with life’s challenges

Summer Bucket List

Ah, summer break! June rolls around and students and teachers alike rejoice when the long school year finally ends. The first week at home is bliss: sleep in, no bedtimes, TV marathons, no homework, no set bathroom breaks. However, by the second and third weeks tensions at home start to mount as siblings bicker, kids complain about being bored, and stay-at-home parents go crazy. Looking for something different? Try a summer bucket list.

Fill in the following chart with things you’d like to do this summer. Each family member/friend should complete using a specific color. Include things you like and things that push yourself into new areas. When done, cut out the activities and place them into your “bucket”. When you’re looking for something to do (by yourself, with friends, or family) randomly select an activity from your “bucket”. Colors are used to ensure that each family/friend is gets a chance at their activities being chosen.

My family filled out their charts, and we've already tried out a few of our bucket list items this past week:
  • my something new... frisbee golf
  • daugher Erin's something techie... The Hunt Library at NC State University
  • son Ethan's something quiet... read
  • wife Amber's something wet... pool 

Obviously, some items may not be possible right now (ex. Ethan's something adventurous... visit New York City), but it can't hurt to get ideas out there and have something to work toward. Don't worry about doing everything on your bucket list this summer as your family will likely need some fun distractions during next year school. 

Be creative, have fun, and most importantly.... share activities with your family and friends. 

Feel free to share your bucket list adventures in the comments section!


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