Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Road Trip

Surviving Middle School

A weekly blog for middle school students, parents, teachers, coaches,
counselors, staff, administrators, and anyone else interested in coping with life’s challenges

How is your summer bucket list going? Hopefully you've had fun exploring some random activities from your list. Share your adventures in the comments section. We've tried a few more things from our family lists:
  • Something tasty... smoked my first brisket
  • Something social... church picnic at Falls Lake
  • Something techie... started making an Olympics app
  • Something old... watched "Dances with Wolves" movie
  • Something crazy... dye hair purple

Road trip... explore your county and state

One theme you'll see in this blog is that education shouldn't just be restricted to the classroom. Learning can and should take place anywhere: home, yard, dinner table, garage, church, trips, etc. Another theme you'll read is that learning is best when it's shared - whether that's with family or friends. Summer is often when the family schedules sync up enough that they can take to the road. Great road trips don't necessarily have to be expensive overnighter's. Day trips to new places can be fun, educational, and relatively inexpensive.

Have you explored your county?
Some of the best road trips are right near home - undiscovered roads, historical landmarks, parks, restaurants. We live in Granville County, NC and there are several great spots to explore. A good starting point might be your county's websites, which often have "what to do in..." parts. Many local towns have their own website and chamber of commerce, both of which may give you ideas of places and businesses you haven't explored before. Local lakes also provide many different summer activities including boating, fishing, swimming, hiking, camping, and biking. There are several lakes within the vicinity of Granville County: Falls Lake, Lake Holt, Kerr Lake, Lake Rogers,




Have you explored your state?
Many states offer suggested "day trips" or unique cultural icons that are only found in your state. VisitNC is our state's gateway for tourists, but even NC residents can benefit from its resources. In North Carolina, if you have an NC museum or NC Zoo membership, often you are granted access to partner organizations without charge. Road trips don't have to necessarily be planned. Just pack up and head any direction toward and unfamiliar town. You can also find unique "onlyinyourstate" places that are educational and memorable. Or take time to actually stop at your state's many roadway historical markers. Summer is also when many state's have their town/county fairs & festivals. Finally, all states have historic homes, farms, and monuments scattered throughout. We often drive right by without taking the time to check them out. No time like the summer!

I'd love to hear about your summer adventures in the comments section.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Summer Bucket List

Surviving Middle School

A weekly blog for middle school students, parents, teachers, coaches,
counselors, staff, administrators, and anyone else interested in coping with life’s challenges

Summer Bucket List

Ah, summer break! June rolls around and students and teachers alike rejoice when the long school year finally ends. The first week at home is bliss: sleep in, no bedtimes, TV marathons, no homework, no set bathroom breaks. However, by the second and third weeks tensions at home start to mount as siblings bicker, kids complain about being bored, and stay-at-home parents go crazy. Looking for something different? Try a summer bucket list.

Fill in the following chart with things you’d like to do this summer. Each family member/friend should complete using a specific color. Include things you like and things that push yourself into new areas. When done, cut out the activities and place them into your “bucket”. When you’re looking for something to do (by yourself, with friends, or family) randomly select an activity from your “bucket”. Colors are used to ensure that each family/friend is gets a chance at their activities being chosen.

My family filled out their charts, and we've already tried out a few of our bucket list items this past week:
  • my something new... frisbee golf
  • daugher Erin's something techie... The Hunt Library at NC State University
  • son Ethan's something quiet... read
  • wife Amber's something wet... pool 

Obviously, some items may not be possible right now (ex. Ethan's something adventurous... visit New York City), but it can't hurt to get ideas out there and have something to work toward. Don't worry about doing everything on your bucket list this summer as your family will likely need some fun distractions during next year school. 

Be creative, have fun, and most importantly.... share activities with your family and friends. 

Feel free to share your bucket list adventures in the comments section!

Monday, June 13, 2016


Surviving Middle School

A blog for middle school students, parents, teachers, coaches,
counselors, staff, administrators, and anyone else interested in coping with life’s challenges

Middle School is Tough
I struggled as a middle school student in the 80s, and I continue to struggle as a middle school teacher in the 2000s. If you are a student, parent, teacher, counselor, staff, administrator, coach, librarian, or pediatrician, then this blog is for you! I was trained as a molecular biologist but found my heart wasn't into science research. In 2004, I became a naive middle school teacher. I quickly found that middle school is about a whole lot more than just teaching. It's a tough experience not only for students, but all of the adults that are involved in helping them survive the middle school years. My goal with this blog is to try to address some of the issues, offer some advice and resources, and start a dialogue to try to tackle some of the many middle school challenges. 

Upcoming Summer Topics
  • Summer bucket list
  • Road trip... explore your town and state
  • Taste your way around the world
  • Backyard classroom
  • Geocaching
  • Reading isn't all that bad
  • MacGyver your home
  • Make It, break it, repair it
  • Get your blood pumping
  • Kitchen chemistry
  • Back to school
School Year Topics
  • Back to school
  • Goals and organization
  • Learning styles
  • Surviving sports
  • ADHD
  • Patience
  • Stress
  • Coping strategies
  • Discipline (respect & responsibility)
  • "Put yourself in their shoes" (altruism and empathy)
  • Careers & volunteering
  • Autism
  • Test taking tips
  • Nutrition & Health
So check back soon for your next topic in Surviving Middle School!